Category: Hobby Lobby

accessorizing, arts and craft project, butterflies, decorate, decorating, diy, halloween decorations, Hobby Lobby, home projects, peacock decorations., peacock room, wreath

HOBBY LOBBY TRIP ~ exactly one year later!

Hey Sweet Friends! Yesterday, I took a trip to Hobby Lobby with my dear friend Mrs. H. She’s the one who has the gift of shopping and numbers. She knows how much everything costs everywhere. I don’t know how she does it but when I want to buy something she can tell me if it’s […]

accessorizing, Hobby Lobby, home projects, peacock decorations., peacock room, planters, wood pallet fencing, yard work


We did some gardening outside recently. Remember the pallet fence we built around our air conditioning unit last year? We tried to replant some bushes from the front of our house to around the fence. They didn’t like that very much so they died. This spring I wanted to find a flowering bush that would add […]

Hobby Lobby


With the anticipated snowmageddon coming to the east coast, most people run to the grocery store for the essentials….bread, milk, eggs. Me and my sweet friend Mrs. P run to Hobby Lobby. Makes sense right?? We got some important essentials….scrapbooking supplies, spring decor, and placemats. Hobby Lobby was having a great sale on their spring […]

curtain rods, curtains, decorate, decorating, dining room centerpiece, family room, halloween decorations, Hobby Lobby, mums, planters, pumpkins, scarecrow

FALL DECORATIONS ~ and finishing up the family room!

A little trip to Hobby Lobby got me all excited to get out my fall decorations. While I was spreading my fall cheer around the house, we were also finishing up some small projects in the family room. I’m excited to show you both. THE MANTEL Notice the beautiful purple peacock candle I bought from […]

accessorizing, apple green, apple green accents, arts and craft project, decorating, decorating kitchen, Hobby Lobby, Kitchen, peacock decorations., wreath


    Guess where I went shopping yesterday?? Oh yea!! Usually when I go to Hobby Lobby, I have a long list of items I want to purchase. But this time I just wanted to browse with my sweet friend, then eat some lunch and just spend some time enjoying each other's company. When you […]

brackets, Carolina Pottery, curtain rods, finials, Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, HomeGoods, Lowe's home improvement, Target, Walmart


When we first moved into our neighborhood, the realtor told us that the city had plans to build a SuperTarget shopping center somewhere behind the neighborhood. I don’t know why I didn’t like that plan at the time. Maybe I was afraid of the traffic or noise blah blah blah! WHAT A DUMMY!!!! They really […]