About me


Hey I’m Linda. I live in North Carolina with the Love of My Life (LOML) of 31 years. He puts up with all my grand ideas that you’ll learn all about. My love for decorating and all things DIY began in high school. I love to transform rooms from blah to WOW and I drag the LOML and the kiddos with me!

The LOML and I have 6 wonderful children ~ 4 biological sons and 2 adopted daughters. I’m a big advocate for adoption but that’s another blog site (www.callouie.com/~tlouie). Our kids’ ages range from 14-28 years old. Boy, does the time fly by. I remember finding out we were pregnant with our oldest like it was yesterday! Each of my kids will be found throughout my blog as they are the reason I do what I do and why I love it. I also make them help with projects (I’m not going to share all the moaning and groaning that goes on behind the scenes!). We also have two mischievous puppies who always seem to be in the middle of all the action. Wouldn’t trade them for anything!  I’m a wife, mother, daughter of the King, retired nurse, dreamer, novice writer, athlete, avid reader, movie watcher, jokester, novice DIYer, painter, singer, friend, internet shopper, blog stalker, teacher, church-goer, and I’m happy. I love my home and I love my family, and I love my life! Most importantly, I love my God. He has entrusted all that I have to me. I pray at the end of the day He says, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”